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MCC is working on improving energy efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce expenses. Climate change is driven by the production of greenhouse gases. Based on a 2019 inventory, the majority of greenhouse gases produced from MCC operations comes from energy use. By increasing our energy efficiency MCC will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This energy metric looks at the energy use per square foot- allows for a quick comparison between campuses and buildings. MCC's baseline (an average of 2018 and 2019) is 101.5 weather-normalized kBtu/square foot.

MCC’s greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory is an annual calculation from buildings, operations, and travel.

The majority of MCC’s energy use and GHG emissions come from building energy use. MCC buildings range from historic military buildings to new, LEED certified, high-tech structures. All new construction at MCC is required to be LEED-certified, ensuring our buildings are more energy and water efficient, in addition to being healthier for the occupants. During renovations, MCC also takes the opportunity to update and install the most efficient equipment available. Lighting retrofits to LEDs are approximately 75% complete across all campuses, which includes outdoor spaces.

2022 Action Plan

In 2022, MCC is working on the following for the energy efficiency and greenhouse gas goals:

  • Complete a study that reviews options that will improve data tracking and proactive building utility management.
  • Implement recommendations from the data tracking and building management study.
  • Complete a study that identifies opportunities that will help MCC meet its energy efficiency and greenhouse gas goals.