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Off-Campus Employment

Working off-campus is very limited for students in F-1 status. However, there are some guidelines for practical training and severe economic hardship work authorization that students may qualify for which are outlined below. 

Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training gives F-1 students authorization to engage in employment training and to work in paid internship positions related to their field of study. Several academic programs have an internship requirement so students can apply for CPT to fulfill this requirement. CPT is usually part-time. F-1 students in the ESL program are not eligible for CPT. Please contact ISS to check your eligibility for CPT.

Optional Practical Training

F-1 students may request Post-Completion OPT to obtain work in their field of study once per educational level (associate, bachelor's, master's, doctoral). Students are allowed 12 months of work during the 14-month period following completion of studies. Employment must be related to the field of study.
Please make an appointment with ISS to check OPT eligibility and discuss application directions. Students should verify their graduation quarter with their advisor before meeting with ISS. View complete information on applying for Optional Practical Training

Severe Economic Hardship

Students in F-1 status who have an unforeseen change in their economic situation, such as substantial fluctuations in the value of currency or exchange rate, unexpected changes in the financial condition of the sponsor, medical bills or other substantial and unexpected expenses, who have maintained status for three consecutive quarters and are in good academic standing, may be eligible for severe economic hardship work authorization. Severe economic hardship work authorization can be potentially issued for a maximum of one year or until the end of a student's studies, whichever comes first.

F-1 students may begin to look for employment, but they may NOT begin working until they receive their Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card, which shows their start date. F-1 students may tell a potential employer that they have filed for severe economic hardship and that they are waiting for a response from USCIS. It takes approximately 90 days to receive an EAD card from USCIS, if approved.

Please email to check your eligibility for SEH. You may access the application instructions for Severe Economic Hardship by clicking on ISS Forms.

Social Security Numbers

To obtain a Social Security number you must be employed. Once you receive a job offer from an employer, you may apply for a Social Security Number for Optional Practical Training or in the case of a financial hardship. Steps for doing so are featured below.

Steps To Apply For A Social Security Number For Optional Practical Training Or Severe Economic Hardship

Go to the Social Security Administration no earlier than the start date of your employment authorization. You will need your: