Transfer Guide: MCC Liberal Arts Transfer – Associate of Arts (LATAA) to UNO Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (Elementary K-6 and Early Childhood Education PK-3 Endorsement (2024)
This degree strengthens foundation skills, provides broad understanding, and develops thinking skills as students prepare for advanced studies in Communication, Education, Fine Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Students completing this degree can transfer their credits into a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year institution.
Every effort has been made to provide accurate information on suggested courses; however, it is the student’s responsibility to consult with the institution they are planning to transfer to ensure courses fit into their intended plan of study. For students planning to transfer to UNO – College of Arts and Sciences, the below information can also be found at the following sites:
Total Credit Hours – 91.5-93.5
General Education Requirements (42-44 Credit Hours)
Communication (13.5 Credit Hours) – Complete all courses
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
ENGL 1010 English Composition I |
4.5 |
ENGL 1010 |
ENGL 1020 English Composition II |
4.5 |
ENGL 1020 |
COMS 1110 Public Speaking |
4.5 |
ENGL 1110 |
Quantitative/Numeracy Skills (4.5-5.0 Credit Hours) – Compete one course
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
Complete one of the following courses: MATH
1300, MATH 1305, MATH 1410, or MATH 1425 |
4.5 |
ENGL 1010 |
Critical Thinking/Creativity & Social/Cultural Awareness (9.0 Credit Hours) – Complete two courses
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
Complete one Humanities Transfer course |
4.5 |
Complete one of the following courses: ARTS 1000, ARTS
1110, ARTS 1120, ENGL 2510, HUMS 1000, MUSC 1050,
PHIL 1010, PHIL 1100, PHIL 2200, SPAN 1110, THEA 1000 |
Complete one Social Sciences Transfer course |
4.5 |
Complete one of the following courses: CRIM 1010, ECON
1000, ECON 1100, GEOG 1010, GEOG 1020, GEOG 1050,
HMRL 1010, POLS 2050, POLS 2070, PSYC 1010, PSYC
1110, SOCI 1010, SOCI 1250, SOCI 2050, SOCI 2060,
SOCI 2110, SOCI 2160, SOWK 1010 |
Scientific Inquiry (10.5-12 Credit Hours) – Complete two courses
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
Complete two Natural Sciences Transfer courses.
One course must include a lab |
10.5-12 |
Complete two courses from two different prefixes: BIOS
1010, BIOS 1111-BIOS 1121-BIOS 1130, BIOS 1250, CHEM 1010, CHEM 1212, GEOG 1150, GEOG 1160, GEOG 1210, PHYS 1010, PHYS 110ABC, PHYS 210ABC, SCIE 1300 & 1310, or SCIE 1400 |
Professionalism/Life Skills & Information Literacy (4.5 Credit Hours) – Complete one course
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
Complete one of the following courses: EXPL
1000, INFO 1001 or HMRL 1010 |
4.5 |
EXPL 1000 or HMRL 1010 |
Major Requirements (31.5 Credit Hours)
Social Sciences/Humanities (27 Credit Hours) – Complete six courses
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
Complete two Humanities Transfer courses |
9.0 |
Complete two courses from the following: ARTS 1000, ARTS 1110, ARTS 1120, ENGL 1310, ENGL 2450, ENGL 2460, ENGL 2470, ENGL 2490, ENGL 2510, ENGL 2520, ENGL 2530, ENGL 2610, FREN 1110, GERM 1010, HUMS 1000, HUMS 1100, HUMS 1110, HUMS 1120, HUMS 1130, HUMS 1150, HUMS 2310, JAPN 1010, MUSC 1050, PHIL 1010, PHIL 1100, PHIL 2030, PHIL 2200, SPAN 1110, THEA 1000, THEA 2020 |
Complete two Social Sciences Transfer courses |
9.0 |
1st course: Complete one of the following courses: CRIM 1010, ECON 1000, ECON 1100, GEOG 1010, GEOG 1020, GEOG 1050, HMRL 1010, POLS 2050, POLS 2070, PSYC 1010, PSYC 1110, SOCI 1010, SOCI 1250, SOCI 2050, SOCI 2060, SOCI 2110, SOCI 2160, SOWK 1010 2 nd course: Complete one course from the following: GEOG 1010, GEOG 1020, GEOG 1050, HIST 1110, HIST 1120, HIST 2050 |
Complete two Social Sciences/Humanities courses |
9.0 |
Complete any two Social Sciences/Humanities transfer courses. |
Cultural Studies (4.5 Credit Hours) – Complete one course
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
Complete one course from the Cultural Studies Transfer courses |
4.5 |
Complete one of the following courses: ARTS 2230, ENGL 2470, ENGL 2490, ENGL 2530, ENGL 2900, GEOG 1020, GEOG 1050, HIST 1050, HIST 1060, HIST 1070, HIST 1080, HIST 1110, HIST 1120, HIST 2200, HUMS 1110, HUMS 1150, PHIL 2200, POLS 2070, SOCI 1100, SOCI 1250, SOCI 2060 |
Elective Requirements (18.0 Credit Hours)
Elective Requirements (18.0 Credit Hours)
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
Complete 18.0 credit hours from the MCC Catalog |
18.0 |
1st course: EDUC 1110 or EDUC 2020
2nd course: EDUC 2030
3rd or 4th courses: Complete two of the following: ECED 1050, ECED 1150 or ECED 2070 |
Students admitted to UNO with an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree from a regionally accredited institution will have fulfilled UNO’s lower-division general education requirements. (This means all UNO general education requirements except Writing in the Discipline).
UNO Total Semester Hours – 75
Remaining Courses to be completed at UNO
Course |
Credit Hours |
Recommendations for Alignment with UNO |
Related Content |
6 |
MTCH 2000 Math for Elementary School Teachers I (3)
MTCH 2010 Math for Elementary School Teachers II (3) |
Elementary Professional |
45 |
SPED 3800 Differentiation and Inclusive Practices (3)
HEKI 2400 Health Ed & Physical Ed for the Elementary
School Teacher (3)
TED 2360 Children’s Literature (3)
TED 4310 Assessment and Classroom Management for the
Elementary Teacher (3)
TED 4320 Teaching of Social Studies: Elementary (3)
TED 4330 Teaching of Math: Elementary (3)
TED 4340 Teaching of Science: Elementary (3)
TED 4350 Teaching of Reading and Language Arts (6)
TED 4600 Clinical Practice and Seminar: Elementary or
Secondary Level (12) |
Professional Education Sequence |
9 |
TED 2300 Human Growth and Learning (3)
TED 2400 Planning for Effective Teaching (6) |
Concentration |
15 |
TED 4250 Guidance of Young Children (3)
TED 4260 Language and Literacy in ECE (3)
TED 4290 Inquiry in Early Childhood Science and Math Ed(3)
TED 2310 Family-Centered Partnerships (SP) (3)
TED 4220 Advanced ECE Practicum (3) |
Additional Information for Students:
Per UNO’s Catalog and University Transfer Credit Policy, sixty-four (64) semester credit hours is the maximum allowed to transfer to most undergraduate UNO colleges from regionally accredited two-year colleges.
To maximize credit transfer, students are strictly encouraged to follow this Guided Pathway. When followed correctly, students will have approximately (75) Credit/Semester Hours remaining to complete for the Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Childhood Education (PK-3).
Academic Advising Information:
MCC Transfer Center Information: