Advisory Councils
Three standing councils serve as vehicles for input, representation, and problem-solving.
Academic Council
Serving as advisor to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Academic Council provides an organizational structure where faculty can discuss issues related to teaching and learning and make recommendations to MCC Administration. The Council promotes and improves communication and mutual understanding between faculty and the administration, students and staff. The council consists of 12 full-time faculty, 2 adjunct faculty, and 3 administrators serving as voting members. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, the Faculty ex-officio to the Board of Governors, and the immediate past chair of Academic Council serve as non-voting members. The Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs also serves as a non-voting member and is recording secretary for the Council. Faculty voting members serve a two-year term and represent a constituency within their academic discipline area as follows: Academic Success—one member, Business—one member, Career and Technical Education—two members, Culinary and Horticulture—one member, Information Technology—one member, Health Careers—one member, Humanities and the Arts—two members, Math and Natural Sciences—one member, and Social Sciences—two members. Adjunct faculty members serve a broader constituency with one adjunct elected from all general education/transfer disciplines and the other from all career program disciplines. Terms are staggered so that no more than half of the Council turns over each year.
Advising Council
Serving as advisor to the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Advising Council was created to review and recommend procedures that support advising and student success. Membership includes academic advisors and success navigators representing the three main campuses and representation from one center. Other members include faculty, counselor, career services, financial aid, records, contact center, and representation from the recruiting team. Members serve a two-year term.
Student Advisory Council
The Student Advisory Council (SAC) was established to enhance communication between students and the College at large. Members are elected in the fall to represent each MCC location. SAC also elects a student ex-officio member of the MCC Board of Governors meetings, who attends all Board meetings and provides monthly updates from the student perspective throughout their one-year term. For more information go to and search "SAC".
The Leadership Council
The Leadership Council connects collegewide administrators, with broad budgetary and supervisory scope, in quarterly meetings to grow operational excellence through special topics dialogue and focused collaboration.