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Explore Programs

MCC has identified four strategic priorities to guide the College in delivering on its mission. Goals and deliverables associated with each priority are identified and continually adjusted as needs dictate.

Plan and execute on Path Forward and student success initiatives to remove barriers and help all students reach their academic goals.


  • Provide accessible, seamless and comprehensive academic and pathway support for students
  • Streamline and simplify student onboarding processes
  • Implement a comprehensive career exploration system
  • Establish targeted, effective recruitment strategies
  • Further develop the Academic Focus Area framework

Engage the community, students, faculty and staff through strong and sustainable partnerships, programs and growth opportunities.


  • Build capacity to plan, implement and evaluate new programs to respond to emerging community needs 
  • Partner with community stakeholders to establish relevant, dynamic connections for students, faculty, staff and community members 
  • Develop strategies and resources to meet workforce needs in the four-county area.  

Focus on internal operations and infrastructure to support the success of students, faculty and staff.


  • Revitalize and modernize business systems, infrastructure and processes
  • Invest in personnel and human resources
  • Increase staff and faculty engagement and connection to MCC and the mission 

Plan for future stability and growth to ensure the institution fulfills its mission to the students and the community.


  • Develop infrastructure that will strengthen operations and ensure future stability
  • Execute on Long Range Facilities Plan year on objectives
  • Concentrate expenditures on planned maintenance and renovation of campuses and facilities.