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Emergency Procedures Handbook


The emergency procedures handbook is intended for use by faculty and staff at Metropolitan Community College. It is designed specifically to address possible emergency conditions at all College locations.

MCC has the utmost concern for the safety and well-being of its students, employees and guests. All faculty and staff must act in an effective and responsive manner when situations occur. If possible, lend assistance to people with special needs only if you have been trained or possess the physical ability to render help.

The College has taken steps to prepare for all predictable situations. It is our intent that our facilities will provide a safe area to survive an incident. If an individual chooses to leave a College property, it is his/her choice, and the College will not detain the person. If, on the other hand, an event occurs outside our MCC locations, the College reserves the right to deny entry to people who may disrupt or contaminate the facility.

Recipients of this handbook should become familiar with its content and Procedures Memorandum X-7. In an emergency, this handbook will serve as a quick reference for effective action. An updated Emergency Procedure Handbook will be stored in My Way for easy access at all times.

If there Are Further Questions Or Comments, Contact Either Of The Following:

David Friend
MCC Chief of police and director of Emergency Management

Brian Erdman
MCC Workplace Safety coordinator

Emergencies: 911 or 9-911 (Be patient for telephone connection to occur.)

MCC Police

MCC Police officers can be reached at ext. 22222 from an MCC landline phone or 531-622-2222 on a non-MCC phone.

MCC Emergency Notification System

MCC students and staff may enroll to participate in the MCC emergency text messaging alert system. To enroll, visit My Services at

MCC is committed to providing a safe college environment for students and employees. In the event of an emergency, the College will use one or more of the following notification methods to provide an emergency alert message:

  • MCC homepage
  • MCC student email (students)
  • MCC all staff email (employees)
  • Digital signage on television monitors in common areas
  • Text messaging - MCC students can receive emergency and weather alerts via text by clicking "Emergency & Weather Alerts" on the Canvas/Student Links. Employees can enroll through the College's "UNITY" portal at no charge (provider fees may apply)
  • Alertus systems using audible and visual modes are installed at campuses and centers.

Alertus Beacons

All locations have Alertus beacons. These beacons will be activated by MCC Police in the event of a life-threatening event (e.g., tornado warning, active shooter, chemical spill, fire, gas leak) at a location. The alert will be a single tone for two seconds, with one-second intervals for one minute. If the Alertus beacons are sounded, a message will be sent to active MCC computers to notify staff and faculty of the emergency.

Once the event has ended, MCC Police will reactivate the Alertus beacons by delivering an “all clear” message. The alert will be two tone beeps in five-second intervals for one minute.

The National Terrorism Advisory System communicates information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs and the private sector.

The NTAS recognizes that Americans all share responsibility for the nation’s security and should always be aware of the heightened risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. and what they should do.

NTAS Alerts

Imminent threat alert
Warns of credible, specific and impending terrorist threat against the U.S.

Elevated threat alert
Warns of credible terrorist threat against the U.S.

Sunset Provision

An individual threat alert is issued for a specific time period and then automatically expires. It may be extended if new information becomes available or the threat evolves.

Alert Announcements

NTAS alerts will be issued though state, local and tribunal partners; the news media; and directly to the public via the following channels:

The public can also expect to see alerts in places, both public and private, such as transit hubs, airports and government buildings.

If a fire is observed in your building or at your work location:

  1. Pull the nearest fire alarm to evacuate the building. If there is no fire alarm, alert others of the emergency.
  2. Call 911 from a safe location and advise the operator of the fire. Speak calmly and clearly. Give your name, location and telephone number. Do not hang up until you are released by the 911 operator.
  3. Notify MCC Police of the fire. MCC Police will direct fire department personnel to the location of the fire. If MCC Police is not at the facility, instruct someone to meet and direct the fire department to the scene.
  4. Do not use elevators. Know the exit routes and keep them open and unobstructed.
  5. Regarding the use of a fire extinguisher, if you do not feel your personal safety is threatened and you have been trained in the use of the device, attempt to extinguish the fire. This should only be attempted if the fire is in the incipient stage (e.g., size of office waste basket).
  6. Assemble at a safe distance away from the building that is upwind from the smoke. Do not assemble in driveways or areas that will be used by the fire department.
  7. Do not reenter the building until the fire department or MCC Police has declared the building safe.

If there is any doubt about a fire, alert and evacuate.

Reference: Procedures Memorandum X-7, Emergency/Crisis Situations

In a medical emergency:

  1. If it is a serious medical situation, call 911. Give details regarding the injury and victim’s location. Do not hang up until you are released by the 911 operator.
  2. Notify MCC Police of the medical emergency. MCC Police will direct emergency personnel to the location of the emergency. If MCC Police is not at the facility, instruct someone to meet and direct the emergency services to the scene.
  3. If possible, return to the victim and wait for arrival of emergency medical services and/or MCC Police.
  4. Be aware of the potential for the presence of bloodborne pathogens and follow the universal precaution rule: Treat all human blood, bodily fluids and other potentially infectious materials as if they are infectious.
  5. Perform only the first aid or CPR skills in which you have received training. If you are unable or choose not to assist the victim, call out to others for help.
  6. Try to keep the victim calm and comfortable. Do not move a seriously injured person unless they are in a life-threatening environment.
  7. MCC Police will take action appropriate to the situation, including proper notification and incident reporting.

After the emergency:

It is normal to have emotional reactions after assisting or witnessing a serious injury or medical emergency. Contact your supervisor to find out more about the Employee Assistance Program.

Reference: Procedures Memorandum X-7, Emergency/Crisis Situations

Disturbances include crimes in progress, riots, vandalism, physical acts or threats of violence, hostage situations and observations of suspicious weapons.

Good judgment is crucial when dealing with a potential or real disturbance. Your own well-being must be carefully evaluated in a short time with limited information; therefore, the following items can only be used as guidelines:

  1. Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with the suspected person in any way. Your actions could put you in danger and may also be illegal.
  2. Notify MCC Police and/or call 911 as good judgment and the situation dictate. Give your name, location, telephone number and details regarding the situation. Do not hang up until you are released by the MCC Police officer or 911.
  3. To the extent that good judgment and common sense dictate, remain near the disturbance area until help arrives from 911 and/or MCC Police. Remain physically and mentally alert and composed.
  4. Assist in the calm and orderly movement of all uninvolved people to an area of safety.
  5. Police/sheriff departments and MCC Police authorities will take actions appropriate to the situation, including proper notification of other authorities, legal actions and incident reporting of the facts and observations from those involved.
  6. Assist by providing a good description of the suspected person and/or victim. Note the height, weight, sex, race, approximate age, clothing, method and direction of travel and name if known. All this takes only a few seconds and is of the utmost help to the investigating officers. If the suspect enters a vehicle, note the license number, make, model, color and any outstanding characteristics. Write them down; don’t rely on your memory.

Reference: Procedures Memorandum X-7, Emergency/Crisis Situations

In case of inclement weather:

  1. The decision to close the College or to cancel or delay classes will be made by the College president or his/her designee.
  2. Full procedural details regarding inclement weather situations are described in Procedures Memorandum X-1: Inclement Procedures. The winter weather information brochure is an additional informational resource that is located at
  3. During class hours notification of a decision to close the College or to cancel or delay classes will be given to designated staff who will initiate notifications using the Inclement Weather Notification Network (calling trees).
  4. During other than normal class hours, announcements as to the closing, cancellation or delay of classes will be made via weather announcements as early as possible. Watch local television or listen to local radio stations for this information.
  5. Refer to “Emergency notification procedures” on page 5 of this handbook for information regarding additional notification methods utilized.

Weather Hotline

Call 531-622-2499 for recorded messages regarding cancellations or the delay of classes.

MCC Website

Weather-related messages will appear on the website homepage.


Weather-related messages will appear on the portal homepages.

Reference: Procedures Memorandum X-1, Temporary College Closure Due to Inclement Weather or Other Adverse Conditions

A tornado watch means that tornadoes are likely to develop; a tornado warning means a tornado has actually been sighted in the general area, and the public should seek shelter immediately.

In case of a tornado:

  1. MCC Police, Student Services and other designated locations have weatheralert devices such as radios, Alertus beacons and desktop alerts.
  2. MCC Police will activate the Alertus beacons once a tornado warning has been issued. The alert will be a single tone for two seconds with one-second intervals for one minute.
  3. If a tornado warning is issued, civil defense sirens sound or a tornado is sighted, students and staff are to proceed to the nearest designated tornado shelter for the building/area. The shelter areas are designated with 5-inch red, round decals picturing a tornado symbol.
  4. If time does not permit getting to a shelter location, get into the safest area of a classroom or office — generally an inside wall farthest from any doors or glass windows.
  5. When possible, avoid areas with large windows, lecture rooms, gymnasiums or other areas with wide-span roofs. Additionally, avoid areas where boilers or electrical switchgear are located.
  6. Take shelter under a desk or any heavy furniture and take care to protect the head and eyes. This can be done by assuming a curled position or by covering the head and eyes with arms, clothing, books or other materials.
  7. All persons should remain in the shelter areas until advised that the danger has passed. Once the event has ended, MCC Police will reactivate the Alertus beacons. The alert will be two tone beeps in five-second intervals for one minute.
  8. If the area has suffered damage from the tornado, watch out for storm-related dangers and assist where possible with emergency fire and first aid assistance (refer to pages 8 and 10).
  9. Reassemble after the storm has passed outside the building at a safe distance. Do not reenter the building until told the area is safe. If possible, account for all people in the vicinity prior to the storm. This will be useful in identifying missing people.

Reference: Procedures Memorandum X-7, Emergency/Crisis Situations

Note: If your building is not indicated below, proceed to the nearest building with a severe weather area — unless it is safer to shelter in place due to conditions.

MCC Location Severe Weather Area
Applied Technology Center
  • All restrooms
  • Rooms 108, 113, 115, 126C, 129 and 140
Elkhorn Valley Campus
  • Restrooms (east)
  • Rooms 114, 119, 120, 122, 145, 150, 150B, 151, 152, 153, 154, 212, 213, 305, 308, 321, 329, 341, 365, 403, 406, 416, 417, 418, 430 and 431
Fort Omaha Campus Building 1:
  • Building 2 basement (primary)
Building 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6:
  • Basements
Building 7:
  • Building 10 Severe weather area
Building 8:
  • Basement
Building 9:
  • Basement (primary)
  • Building 8 basement (secondary)
Building 10:
  • First floor restrooms
  • First floor faculty office area
  • Rooms 108, 110, 111, 117, 119, and 121
Building 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19:
  • Basements
Building 20:
  • Building 22
Building 21:
  • All restrooms (primary)
  • Southwest stairwell (primary)
  • Building 22 (secondary)
Building 22:
First floor:
  • All restrooms
  • Hallway extending around center of building
  • Rooms 122, 123, and 145
Building 23 (CASC):
First floor:
  • All restrooms
  • Rooms 136, 151 and 166
Building 24 (CAET):
First floor:
  • All restrooms
  • Rooms 104, 106, 107, 111A
Building 25 (CEC):
First floor:
  • All restrooms
  • Rooms 103, 106, 118, 122A, 126B, 126C, 161, 162A and 164A
Building 26, 27, 27A and 29:
  • Building 30 basement (primary)
  • Building 22 (secondary)
Building 30:
  • Basement
Building 32:
  • Restroom (104)
  • Southwest area of room 101
Building 34:
  • Basement
Fremont Area Center
  • First floor restrooms and adjacent corridors
  • Room 112D
MCC North Express
  • Go to the bottom of the east stairs
MCC South Express
  • All restrooms
  • Rooms 108, 110 and 113
Sarpy Center
  • Rooms 110, 115, 116, 118, 125, 126, 130, 131, 132 and 133
South Omaha Campus Automotive Technology Center:
  • Lower Level Restrooms
  • Rooms 136, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 and 148
  • Lower Level Staircase
Center for Advanced Manufacturing
  • Restrooms (south)
  • Rooms 102, 103, 104, 107A, 107B, 113, 116 and 119
Connector Building:
First floor:
  • Restrooms (Metro Transit waiting area)
  • Restrooms (between food court and bookstore)
  • Rooms 109, 110, 111, 120, 121, 149 and 149A
Mahoney Building:
  • All restrooms
  • Rooms 212, 213, 216, 217, 222, 223, 302, 312, 313, 316, 317, 320, 321, 324, 325, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 508, 510, 511, 512, 514 and 517A

Warning sirens:

Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties sound the tornado warning sirens if the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning for any area within the boundaries of their respective counties.

The city of Fremont will activate tornado sirens when weather conditions exist that threaten imminent danger. Dodge County may issue a tornado warning that does not trigger sirens in Fremont.


If you are indoors:

  • Go immediately to the shelter areas indicated in each building.
  • Do not pull the fire alarm.
  • Stay away from windows and glass.
  • Stay in your shelter area until the storm has passed and you are advised that it is safe to leave the building or return to classrooms or offices.

If you are outside:

  • If possible, get inside a building at once.
  • If you cannot get to a shelter, lie in a ditch or low-lying area and use your hands to cover your head.
  • Be aware of the potential for flying debris and flooding, and stay away from glass, small buildings and fencing.

If you are in a vehicle:

  • Get out and into a building or, if there is not time, lie in a ditch or other low-lying area.

Earthquakes occur without warning. This is why being prepared is so important.

In the event of an earthquake:

  1. Keep calm and stay where you are. Most injuries during an earthquake occur when people decide to enter or exit buildings.
  2. Take cover under sturdy furniture such as work and instruction tables, desks, inside-wall corners or heavy-framed doorways. Do not use elevators.
  3. Stay away from glass windows. Stay clear of tall bookcases, cabinet and appliances that may shift and fall over. Most casualties in earthquakes result from contact with falling materials.
  4. If you are outdoors, stay in the open away from buildings, trees and power lines. Do not go near anything where there is danger of falling debris.
  5. If you are driving, stop and stay with your vehicle. Do not stop on or under bridges. Move as far out of the normal traffic pattern as safely possible.
  6. Do not park under trees, power lines, light posts or signs.

After the earthquake:

  1. Be prepared for aftershocks. Earthquakes may occur in a series over a period of several days. Aftershocks may last a few seconds or as long as several minutes.
  2. Do not re-enter damaged buildings: aftershocks could shake the buildings down.
  3. Check for injuries and follow appropriate first aid procedures as listed on page 8.M.
  4. Do not use telephones or two-way radios unless absolutely necessary to report a fire, serious injury or hazardous chemical emergency.
  5. Follow instructions from the location manager, MCC Police or other designated College officials.

In the even of a power outage:

  1. Help secure the location facilities by working with College personnel and outside authorities.
  2. Be alert for gas and water leaks, broken and downed electrical lines and wiring, chemical leaks and ruptured sewer lines.
  3. If appropriate, designated personnel will turn off the utilities at the source.
  4. Extinguish all open flames.
  5. Do not come in contact with liquids if at all possible.
  6. Designated personnel will use testing equipment to identify dangers. If warranted, leave the area immediately to report the emergency situation.
  7. Do not return to the area until directed to do so.
  8. Report all incidents to MCC Police officers by using the MCC Police button on all Mitel phones or dialing ex. 22222. MCC Police officers can also be reached by dialing 531-622-2222.

Reference: Procedures Memorandum X-7, Emergency/Crisis Situations

In the event of a bomb threat:

If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone, remain calm and attempt to obtain as much information as possible from the caller. To assist in discovering as much information as possible, a Bomb Threat Call Checklist is found on the following page.

  1. If possible, notify someone else in your area to call 911 and/or MCC Police on another telephone line to accelerate the response time. Do not use any electronic device that emits a signal (e.g., cell phone or two-way radio).
  2. When reporting the incident, give your name, location, the location of the bomb and the time it is set to explode (if you are able to ascertain this information). Do not hang up until you are released by the 911 operator or MCC Police officer.
  3. Respond to the directions from the 911 operator and/or MCC Police. If instructed to evacuate the area, move a safe distance away from the building or work location (a minimum of 100 yards — the length of a football field). The building fire alarm system can assist in evacuation of the building; follow the same procedure as in a fire emergency when and where appropriate.
  4. Do not reenter the building or workplace until instructed by designated personnel to do so.

If you observe a suspicious item or package, remain calm.

  1. Do not touch or move the item.
  2. Do not allow anyone else to touch or move the item.
  3. Keep onlookers from congregating in the area.
  4. Police/sheriff departments and/or MCC Police will take actions appropriate to the situation, including proper notification of other authorities, legal actions and incident reporting of the facts and observations from those involved.

    Reference: Procedures Memorandum X-7, Emergency/Crisis Situations

Questions to ask

  1. When is the bomb going to explode? ____________________________________________________________________________
  2. Where is it right now? ________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. What does it look like? _______________________________________________________________________________________
  4. What kind of bomb is it? ______________________________________________________________________________________
  5. What will cause it to explode? _________________________________________________________________________________
  6. Did you place the bomb? _____________________________________________________________________________________
  7. Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  8. What is your address? _______________________________________________________________________________________
  9. What is your name? _________________________________________________________________________________________
  10. Sex of caller _______________________________________________________________________________________________
  11. Age of caller _______________________________________________________________________________________________
  12. Length of call ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Caller's voice

____Calm ____Laughing ____Lisp ____Stutter
____Cracking voice ____Angry ____Crying ____Raspy
____Accent ____Excited ____Normal ____Deep
____Disguised ____Slow ____Distinct ____Rapid
____Slurred ____Ragged ____Nasal ____Deep Breathing
____Clearing throat ____Loud ____High-pitched ____Soft
____Familiar: if voice is familiar, whom did it sound like? _______________________

Background sounds

____Street noises ____House noises ____None
____Voices ____Motor ____Static
____PA system ____Office machines ____Long distance
____Factory machines ____Other _________________________________________________

Language used by the caller

____Well-spoken (educated) ____Foul
____Incoherent ____Irrational
____Taped/recorded ____Message read by caller

Exact wording of the threat


Reported call immediately to: __________________________________________________________

Phone #: _______________________________________________________________________________

Completed by: __________________________________________________________________________

Phone #: _______________________________ Date: ______________________________________

In the event of a hazardous materials emergency:

If you notice a leaking or spilled chemical or escaping gas from a cylinder or container, the following steps are to be taken immediately:

Chemicals And Gases

  1. If it is safe to do so, quickly isolate the area.
  2. If you determine the material is hazardous and presents a potential fire or explosion hazard, evacuate the immediate area, or, if necessary, the entire building. This can be done by either direct communication or the use of the building fire alarm system. Make sure those evacuating do not use routes near the incident scene.
  3. Do not conduct mitigation or clean-up measures unless properly trained to do so.
  4. From a safe location, notify MCC Police and/or 911 as good judgment and the situation dictate. Give your name, location, telephone number and details regarding the situation. Do not hang up until you are released by the MCC Police officer or 911 operator.
  5. If told to evacuate, move to a safe area at a distance of at least 500 feet (approximately two football fields). This safe area should be upwind and uphill from the incident area.
  6. Do not return to the area until directed to do so.


  1. Suspected leaks, spills or suspicious odors should be reported to MCC Police. MCC Police officers can be reached from an MCC landline by using the MCC Police button on all Mitel phones or dialing ex. 22222. MCC Police officers can also be reached from any phone by dialing 531-622-2222.
  2. If a fire results from the hazardous material emergency, immediately refer to the procedure on page 7 for fire emergencies.
  3. If injuries result from the hazardous materials emergency, use caution when giving first aid. If safe to do so, immediately remove any victims to a safe environment before starting first aid and emergency care. Remember, the hazard that caused the victim’s injuries may still be present on his/her clothing and in the surrounding environment. Immediately refer to the procedure on page 8 for medical emergencies.
  4. Most chemical spills and gas leaks you encounter will involve products you work with or are around daily. This familiarity makes you a valuable resource to personnel responding to the suspected hazard. Your knowledge of the chemicals and gases and the location of their respective Safety Data Sheets can minimize the fire, health, safety and environmental concerns for responders.

In the event of an emergency involving a biohazard:

If you notice an uncontrolled release of a biohazard such as blood, bacteria, parasites, or cell or tissue cultures, the following steps are to be taken immediately:


  1. If it is safe to do so, quickly isolate the area.
  2. If you determine the material is hazardous and presents a larger threat, evacuate the immediate area. This can be done by direct communication. Make sure those evacuating do not use routes near the incident scene.
  3. Do not conduct mitigation or clean-up measures unless properly trained to do so.
  4. From a safe location, notify MCC Police and/or 911 as good judgment and the situation dictate. Give your name, location, telephone number and details regarding the situation. Do not hang up until you are released by the MCC Police officer or 911 operator.
  5. If told to evacuate the immediate area, do not return to the area until directed to do so.


  1. A suspected uncontrolled release of a biohazard should be reported to MCC Police. MCC Police officers can be reached from an MCC landline by using the MCC Police button on all Mitel phones or dialing ex. 22222. MCC Police officers can also be reached from any phone by dialing 531-622-2222. If injuries result from the biohazard emergency, use caution when giving first aid. If safe to do so, immediately remove any victims to a safe environment before starting first aid and emergency care. Remember, the hazard that caused the victim’s injuries may still be present on his/her clothing and in the surrounding environment. Immediately refer to the procedure on page 8 for medical emergencies.
  2. Most biohazard releases you encounter will involve products you work with or are around daily. This familiarity makes you a valuable resource to personnel responding to the suspected hazard. Your knowledge of the biohazards within the area can minimize the health and safety concerns for responders.

American Red Cross

Department of Homeland Security

Douglas County Emergency Management Agency

Federal Emergency Management Agency





Metropolitan Community College

National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration

National Safety Council

Omaha Fire Department

Omaha Police Department


Sarpy County Emergency Management Agency


Metropolitan Community College does not discriminate based on age, race, color, national origin, genetic information, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy, disability, current or prior military service, protected veteran status or membership in any other class that is protected under local, state, or federal law; nor in regulation of admission or access to its programs and activities; nor in its treatment or hiring of employees. The College complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1990, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and related Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, and all amendments to the above.

MCC is committed to ensuring that our websites and facilities are accessible and usable to everyone. We strive to follow best practices based on the federal requirements outlined in Section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Contacts: Concerning Title VI (race), Title IX (gender equity), Section 504 (disability), Americans with Disabilities Act/Program and Services Accessibility and age, contact:

Julie Langholdt — dean of Student Advocacy and Accountability:
531-622-2202, (students);

Missy Beber — vice president for Human Resources:
531-622-2236, (employees);

Scott Kardell — associate vice president for Facilities Operations
531-622-2546, (accessibility); or

United States Department of Education Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights —
Office for Civil Rights (OCR): 1-800-421-3481,

Concerning hiring and employment-related complaints of discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, genetic information, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, age, pregnancy, disability, current or prior military service, protected veteran status or membership in any other class that is protected under local, state, or federal law or regulation, or affirmative action or diversity issues, contact:

Cynthia Gooch-Grayson — associate vice president for Equity and Inclusion:

The address for all the above individuals is as follows:

Metropolitan Community College
30th and Fort Streets
P.O. Box 3777
Omaha, NE 68103-0777

For emergencies

911 or 9-911 (Be patient for telephone connection to occur.)


MCC Police officers can be reached at ext. 22222 from an MCC landline or 531-622-2222.