The emergency procedures handbook is intended for use by faculty and staff at Metropolitan Community College. It is designed specifically to address possible emergency conditions at all College locations.
MCC has the utmost concern for the safety and well-being of its students, employees and guests. All faculty and staff must act in an effective and responsive manner when situations occur. If possible, lend assistance to people with special needs only if you have been trained or possess the physical ability to render help.
The College has taken steps to prepare for all predictable situations. It is our intent that our facilities will provide a safe area to survive an incident. If an individual chooses to leave a College property, it is his/her choice, and the College will not detain the person. If, on the other hand, an event occurs outside our MCC locations, the College reserves the right to deny entry to people who may disrupt or contaminate the facility.
Recipients of this handbook should become familiar with its content and Procedures Memorandum X-7. In an emergency, this handbook will serve as a quick reference for effective action. An updated Emergency Procedure Handbook will be stored in My Way for easy access at all times.
If there Are Further Questions Or Comments, Contact Either Of The Following:
David Friend
MCC Chief of police and director of Emergency Management
Brian Erdman
MCC Workplace Safety coordinator
Emergencies: 911 or 9-911 (Be patient for telephone connection to occur.)
MCC Police
MCC Police officers can be reached at ext. 22222 from an MCC landline phone or 531-622-2222 on a non-MCC phone.