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Expectations, disciplinary action and processes

The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to define the general standard of conduct expected of students, provide examples of conduct that may be subject to disciplinary action by the College, provide examples of disciplinary measures that may be imposed, and set out the process and procedures that the College will follow when an allegation of academic and non-academic misconduct is made. Students are expected to be aware of, and to conduct themselves in accordance with this Code. Any conduct on the part of a student that has, or might reasonably be seen to have an adverse effect on the integrity or the proper functioning of the College, or the health, safety, rights, or property of the College or its members and visitors, is subject to discipline under this Code.

The following conduct is subject to disciplinary action when it occurs on College premises, or in connection with a College course or College documents, or at a College-sponsored activity:

Academic misconduct means any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the institution or subvert the education process. Examples of academic misconduct include:
  • Plagiarism – to take and use another’s words or ideas as one’s own
  • Cheating – intentionally using or attempting to use, or intentionally providing or attempting to provide unauthorized materials, information, or assistance in any academic exercise
  • Fabrication – intentional and unauthorized falsification or inventions of any information or citation
  • Other – includes, but it not limited to, unauthorized use of resources, enlisting the assistance of a substitute in the taking of examinations, and violation of course rules as contained in the course syllabus or other written information.

Non-academicmisconduct means any behavior that interferes with the functioning of the college, violates college policies, interferes with the rights and safety of others at the college, or violates any local, state, or federal law.  Examples of non-academic misconduct include, but not limited to:
  • Disruptive behavior that interferes with college operations, teaching or other learning activities
  • Failure to comply with the directives college employees acting in the performance of their duties
  • Furnishing false information to the college
  • Harassment and/or discrimination in any form, including race, color, gender identity, disability, age, national origin, religion or any other protected class 
  • Possessing, using, selling or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Use  or possesion  of weapons, fireworks, or explosives 
  • Obscene or indecent behavior
  • Misusing College Information Technology and Resources
  • Sexual misconduct in any form, including sexual harassment, relationship/domestic violence, stalking
  • Smoking or using tobacco products on campus 
  • Theft or destruction of property
 College Procedure Memorandums covered by the Student Conduct Code include:

Students who want to take classes at MCC following an Academic Suspension or Dismissal work with a counselor through the readmission process and subsequent quarters until good standing with the college is achieved. Read more about Standards of Academic Progress.

  • Step 1 – Request Readmission: Students seeking readmission after an Academic Suspension or Dismissal can begin the process by submitting the Student Readmission Request form. Following its submission, a counselor from your campus will contact you to schedule an appointment. Your counselor will inform you of other documentation you will need to bring to your readmission appointment and any actions you can take before the meeting.
  • Step 2 – Counselor Meeting: Your counselor will talk with you about your current circumstances, motivation, goals, and strengths. The Counselor will also review with you your academic record and discuss with you the challenges you faced in previous quarters. The goal of this meeting is to formally complete your readmission to MCC and help you assemble a comprehensive plan for academic success going forward. Depending on your particular situation, follow up meetings may be required to complete readmission and registration. Your counselor will let you know the next steps to be taken by the end of your meeting.
  • Step 3 – Reinstate Financial Aid: Most students returning from suspension or dismissal find that they are not in good standing with Financial Aid. Your counselor can talk with you about your financial status and discuss your options to pay for classes. Learn more about the financial aid satisfactory progress policies and submitting an appeal for financial aid.

  • The right to be notified in writing of the charges and the Student Code of Conduct procedures.
  • The right to know the nature and the source of the evidence to be used against you.
  • The right to speak on your behalf, present evidence on your behalf, and question opposing witnesses.
  • The right to select an informal disciplinary conference instead of a formal hearing if the Dean of Student Advocacy and Accountability decides the case serious enough for a hearing panel.
  • The right to bring an advisor or an attorney to a formal hearing or to an informal disciplinary conference. However, the role of the advisor or attorney is solely to counsel and not to participate actively.
  • The right not to testify against yourself.
  • The right to appeal the College's decision.

Violators of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to one or more of the following sanctions depending on the seriousness of the violation. Attempts to commit acts prohibited by this policy are punished to the same extent as completed violations.
  •  Disciplinary Warning: Notification that the student has committed an act of misconduct, and a warning that another offense may result in the imposition of a more serious sanction.
  • Disciplinary Probation: A disciplinary status that does not interfere with the student’s right to enroll and attend classes, but includes specified requirements and/or restrictions.
  • Restitution: The student is required to pay the College or another person for damage caused as a result of acts violating the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Educational Activity: The student will be required to complete a specific educational activity or assignment related to the violation.
  • Interim Actions/Suspension: Whenever there is evidence that the continued presence of a student on College premises poses a substantial threat to that student or to others, or to the stability and continuance of normal College functions, the student may be suspended for an interim period pursuant to these disciplinary procedures.
  • Disciplinary Suspension: A denial of the privilege to continue as a student anywhere within the College and denial of all student rights and privileges for a specified period of time.
  • Disciplinary Expulsion: A permanent denial of the privilege of continuing or enrolling as a student anywhere within the College and permanent denial of all student rights and privileges.

You may report a suspected violation of the Student Code through the Student Help and Referral Form (SHARE).

Anyone with specific questions regarding prohibited conduct, disciplinary sanctions, or the Code’s procedures at Metropolitan Community College should consult the full Student Conduct and Discipline Code (PM: V-4). If the provisions described in this document differ from those of the Student Code of Conduct, the provisions of the Code shall prevail.